So It Is Written Tenita Johnson
#SoItIsWritten #TenitaJohnson

My Future Business
2 min readFeb 9, 2022

Hi, and welcome to the show!

On today’s My Future Business Show I have the pleasure of welcoming to the show, authorpreneur, speaker and book strategist, Tenita Johnson to talk about how to boost your brand through books, and the process behind creating life changing books.

Perfecting manuscripts for hundreds of best-selling authors, Tenita’s on a mission to end the prominent everyday abuse of the English language and rectify punctuation pet peeves. As the founder and CEO of So It Is Written, LLC, Tenita collaborates with industry professionals to take manuscripts to the marketplace, positioning authors for success in the literary world. Well known by many as a human spell check, noun nerd and grammar police, she proudly wears the badge of honor to correct and serve.

As the founder and CEO of So It Is Written Publishing, Tenita has helped hundreds of authors birth their books in record time. The 12-year-old company excels as a one stop shop for the complete book process from conception to completion, not just editing.

Tenita successfully helps people to pen books that will boost their brand, accelerate their paydays and bust open doors of endless opportunities; and to give you some idea of the calibre of services that Tanita provides, So It Is Written won The Sunrise Pinnacle Award for Diversity Company of the Year, in 2020, from the Rochester Regional Chamber of Commerce in Rochester, Michigan.

Tenita’s passion for delivering bestselling books is matched only by her devotion to helping women and men heal from the drama, trauma and baggage of sexual abuse. Her 2021 anthology, HUSH: Breaking the Cycle of Silence Around Sexual Abuse, features eight women who lost their innocence and identity to life-altering trauma. She is a huge advocate and mouthpiece for those who have been sexually abused as she empowers them to release their pain instead of suffering in silence.

There’s so much packed into this wonderfully insightful call, so make sure that you listen in as there’s something for everyone. To learn more about Tenita’s work, or to contact her directly, click the link below.



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