The Good Eggs Foundation Making Good Eggs with Sandy Ciaramitaro

My Future Business
2 min readMay 26, 2022

#Author #TheGoodEggsFoundation #SandyCiaramitaro

Hi, and welcome to the show!

On today’s show I have the pleasure of welcoming author, founder and president of the Good Eggs Foundation Sandy Ciaramitaro to raise awareness of the work that The Good Eggs foundation is doing that helps make children’s lives that little bit better.

Sandy holds a Master of Arts from the University of Detroit Mercy, and has taught morality, ethics, and social justice courses at a private high school in Michigan. In addition to her teaching career, Sandy has taught, developed, and implemented programs and curricula focused on helping children realize the importance of living altruistic lives centered on love.

Sandy is also the founder and president of The Good Eggs Foundation, which is dedicated to helping children in need. The Foundation’s outreach can take many forms, including monetary assistance, educational resources, and basic needs.

As an author, Sandy’s The Good Eggs series is her contribution to supporting children as they learn about virtues, diversity, and service. All of which are essential concepts to integrate into their lives as they grow into ‘Good Eggs’. There are three books in the series, including The Good Eggs, The Good Eggs Travel The World, and The Good Eggs in The Community.

The Good Eggs in the books, display virtues within their community, but what are virtues? Virtues are positive traits, such as understanding, forgiveness, gratitude, generosity, cooperation, love, acceptance, respect, responsibility, honesty, confidence, and manners.

To learn more about the topics discussed, or to contact Sandy directly, click the link below.



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